The Title Says It All - with a focus on Jane Sawyer & Tania Rollond
Distinctive...the Celebrated Elder Turns 90, 38 Ceramic Artists Acknowledge Milton Moon
3 - 18 September 2016
Artists: Milton Moon, Owen Rye, Chester Nealie, Janet DeBoos, Prue Venables, Mitsuo Shoji, Tania Rollond, Ted Secombe, Jane Sawyer, Victor Greenaway, Simone Fraser, Gail Nichols, Greg Daly, John Dermer, Janet Beckhouse, Robert Barron, Kirk Winter, Barry Singleton, Amy Kennedy, Liz Williams, Arnaud Barraud, Johanna DeMaine, Kevin Boyd, Kenji Uranishi, Euan Craig, Susan Robey, Brian Keyte, Terunobu Hirata, Diana Williams, John Ferguson, Maria Vanhees, Craig Hoy, Irianna Kanellopoulou, Dianne Peach, Greg Crowe, Janetta Kerr-Grant, John Daly, Tim Clarkson
Montsalvat, The Barn Gallery, 7 Hillcrest Avenue, Eltham Victoria -
Skepsi always curate a vast selection of potter and ceramist in the 'barn' gallery. Here are my favourite two pieces from all angles because:
- I couldn't get to Sydney to see Jane Sawyer's solo exhibition Rain Shadows at Mansfield Gallery and,
- Everything Tania Rollond does is magnificent and I love this looser body treatment.
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